Oil Storage

Reading Oil’s Futures

Editor's Note: Vegas, baby! Elliott Gue, Roger Conrad and the rest of the Capitalist Times team will head to Caesar's Palace May 12 - 14 for the Las Vegas MoneyShow. Roger and Elliott will give a number of presentations...

By |March 4, 2015|Uncategorized|

The Midstream Bunch

Dominion Midstream Partners LP (NYSE: DM) Dominion Midstream Partners LP made its public debut on Oct. 14, in the middle of an intense selloff in the energy sector. Despite the headwinds in the broader market,...

By |November 1, 2014|Feature Article|


Oil and US Refiners

Just a few weeks ago, in early January West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil prices were trading around $70/bbl and Brent was under $75/bbl, well...

Live Chat

with Elliott Gue and Roger Conrad

On 07/31/2024

Live Chat with Elliott Gue and Roger Conrad


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